Don't waste your time becoming a Microsoft Live@Edu Master Teacher

Just a quick note to advise anyone thinking of looking at the Microsoft Live@Edu Master Teacher program.  Don't bother it is crap and just a shameless heap of advertising about their live products dressed up as training.  You will not gain anything from doing this except wasting 30 minutes of your life.

Use twitter live in PowerPoint Presentations.

Ever been subjected to death PowerPoint where someone basically reads the information on screen for hours on end.  Well this little ditty can spice up a presentation by getting live audience feedback via twitter that will update instantly on screen an engage the audience in seconds.  Yes Polleverywhere have come up with an app that you can instantly as a question such as what is your favourite colour?  Your audience Twitter their response and it collates the data and presents it live on screen theough PowerPoint.  Both free and Paid versios are available of course - Check it out here.

Television in the Classroom.

Live television offers a range of educational programs and general viewing that is far too often overlooked as a genuine classroom resource.  If you are fortunate enough to have the offerings such as Australia does with the ABC which publishes lesson plans, programs and resources specifically targeted at educators and updates them weekly then you should try utilise some of these in your own class time.Read More