Great websites for exploring CAD (Computer aided Design)


High school

students will really enjoy the opportunity to create something in 3D on a computer from an original idea and a 2D image.  Of course there is always Google Sketchup for a great entry point into computer modelling and design but here are a few other alternatives to try.

Technology Student:  Drawing tutorials including buildings are one part of this huge site that includes graphic design, physics, structures and simple machines.

Small Blue Printer:  Build your own house plan, view it from above, take a 3D walkthrough and printi it out.  Simple drag-and-drop online software.

3D models of Great Buildings:  Hundreds of free 3D walkthroughs of architectural computer models including landscaping and interior decoration.  Also include real photos and floor plans of famous buildings from around the world.

Visual communication and design resources:  Click through guide to design principles, design elemnts and drawing systems.