5 persuasive writing prompts about war

The unjust russian invasion of ukraine has higlhighted the lies of a dictator and the suffering of his victims on both sides.

Is war ever justified?  Has there ever been a successful war?  Does war save or spend innocent lives?

War is certainly one of the most complex issues humanity has ever faced, but in saying that we have been pursuing it since we could raise a fist in anger. 

We see images from all around the world every night that highlight man's injustice toward each other. 

Your students will enjoy these five persuasive writing prompts about war in forming an educated opinion about an issue in which so many have laid down their lives for.

 Prompt 1) In several counties, citizens are expected to serve in the national military. Even in America, we have only recently abandoned the draft and the ordinance of mandatory military service. Do you believe we should institute similar mandatory military service requirements for our citizenry? Why or why not?

Prompt 2) Do you believe the US should launch a preliminary strike against Iran? Why or why not?

Prompt 3) Many great philosophers have likened war to being a cowardly way to face a problem. Do you agree with these philosophers? Why or why not?

Prompt 4) One of your friends has been approached by a recruiter for the Army and has asked you for your advice on whether or not they should join. Do you tell him to enlist? Be sure to give them reasons why you feel they should/should not enlist.

Prompt 5) As America's capitalist system becomes more dependent on global markets for stability, many have stipulated that fewer wars will be fought. Do you agree or disagree with this assumption? Why or why not? 

Please feel free to suggest some more below


5 persuasive writing prompts about drugs


Drugs have always been a meaty topic for high school and college students as they are at an age when they are becoming aware of the social and health issues associated with drug use but also surrounded by the confusing messages from music, films and social media that drugs are "cool."


These persuasive writing prompts will certainly require your students to do some research to form an educated opinion about issues surrounding drug use.

Remember that if you are looking for more great free resources and structured guides to teaching all aspects of English especially writing be sure to visit literacyideas.com

Prompt 1) In order to crack down on drug use and distribution in schools, many high schools have begun to conduct targeted searches of student lockers, backpacks and other "personal" properties. Keeping in mind that the Supreme Court has ruled these types of searches as constitutional, do you feel that this is still a violation of student rights? Or, do you think that since the school is ultimately responsible for the well-being of it’s students, they should have the right to conduct these searches in the effort of keeping the student body safe?

Prompt 2) With more professional and college athletes being drug-tested, do you feel that High School athletes should be subjected to regularly drug tests?

Prompt 3) Should marijuana be legalized? Site your position and specific examples that support this decision. Simply "because I like it," is not an example.

Prompt 4) Medical Marijuana has been legalized in California for some time now. Do you feel that it is okay for the State to decide that marijuana should be regulated and distributed any other prescription drug, or do you feel that this should be a decision made on the Federal level, and California should step inline with the rest of the country?

Prompt 5) Do you think law enforcement agencies and government officials spend too much time and energy focusing on marijuana instead of other drugs (heroin, cocaine,  meth, etc…)