Two Great Sites to Convert any File Format from your Browser.

With the increasing number of software packages and apps available to teachers and students, it can be very frustrating and downright anti-productive when you are handed a document or file that you cannot open because you don't have the correct software on your laptop.

What to do?  Trawl the web and download the program you need?? No!!  Luckily there are a couple of great web sites that will convert your files from the browser and let you get on with the task at hand.

ZamZar - Will convert a multitude of document files from Mac and Windows applications as well as even download YouTube videos.  The process is very simple - Upload - give them your email address and within a few moments you will receive the file in your preferred format emailed back to you.

Media Converter - Is another great free service but they are more targeted at converting audio and video files.  They also allow YouTube conversions for schools with blocked access to it.

Please let us know of any other great conversion sites you might use regularly.