Keep Calm Teaching Posters Collection


Here it is. A collection of Keep Calm Posters for Teachers for you to download, print and display around your classroom or office.  Some are funny, Some are inspirational and all I hope, are useful.

Keep Calm and Carry On  was a propaganda poster produced by the British government in 1939 during the beginning of the Second World War, intended to raise the morale of the British public in the event of a Nazi invasion of Great Britain.

These posters might raise morale or just a few eyebrows.  They include.

  • Keep Calm and Teach on
  • Keep Calm and Stop Texting
  • Keep Calm and Reboot
  • Keep Calm and Enjoy Learning
  • Keep Calm and Raise Your Hand
  • Keep Quiet and Continue Working

Click here to download the collection as a printable PDF and if you have any Keep Calm suggestions for us please post them as a comment and I'll add them.