Introducing Harvard's Thinking Classroom Model


Harvard has a great resource for teachers who would liketo have a better understanding of how to create and manage a thinking curriculum within their classroom.

The Thinking Classroom, is all about the teaching of thinking. It is a place where critical and creative thinking count! The Thinking Classroom holds that the quality of students' learning depends on how well students think about their work. For instance, students who consistently tend to connect ideas to things they know about, seek hidden explanations, or think about the strengths and weaknesses in their thinking will develop deeper understandings of subjects across the curriculum than those students who don't. Thus, the Thinking Classroom is committed to the following beliefs:

  • Learning is a consequence of good thinking.
  • Good thinking is learnable by all students.
  • Learning should include deep understanding, which involves the flexible active use of knowledge.

The thinking classroom has a range of strategies, resources and tools that make creating a thinking curriculum practical in any classroom. Access it here.